Yay!! This post is going to be in Catalan, since we need to find a new member from Barcelona! :)
Hola~ xD
sóc la YunEun, doncs com ja es va comentar, busquem una nova membre per B/Yul, ja que ens agradaria ser 5 membres actius a Barcelona (fins que torni la Vero, que serem 6 ._.)
Noies! Si us interessa, seguiu llegint! ^^
Pot participar tothom, només demanem dues coses!
1- Tenir disponibilitat per quedar dissabtes al matí a Drassanes, que és on tenim la sala d'assaig, de 10 a 12h ! (la sala s'ha de pagar entre totes)
2- Que ens enviis un video en el cual et presentis (nom, nick, edat, on vius, i els grups q t'agraden de kpop o idols, i si vols alguna cosa més de tu, tmb guay! (no cal dir que això no influència en el reusltat, cada una amb els seus gustos xD)) i en el video també hauràs de ballar! El que vulguis, mentre sigui kpop! Balls de noi i de noia, pot ser una sola cançó sencera, un remix.. com us vingui de gust!
Sobre el segon punt, no us menjeu molt la olla, pq ja podeu veure al youtube q no som dance machines ni molt menys, és simplement per tenir una idea, ja que no volem que el grup es retrassi amb algú de nivell molt baix! >< volem avançar! :D Ja us dic, el que valorem més és l'energia i passos definits!! que se sapiga què esteu ballant XD
energy energy ~~
Quan tingueu el video, podeu enviar-lo a byulgroup@gmail.com !
podeu o pujar-lo a youtube i enviar-nos el link o pujar-lo a algun servidor com megaupload, mediafire... i ja ens el descargarem!
També hem creat un evento al facebook per arribar a més gent!
Teniu fins el dia 30 de Novembre per enviar els videos!!
Direm els resultats el dia 1 de Desembre, a través d'un missatge massiu als 'invitats' a l'evento, i també el posarem aquí al blog, per assegurar que tothom s'entera, i després ja ens posariem en contacte amb la persona en concret!!
Crec que ja està, si teniu algun dubte o cualsevol cosa, ens podeu deixar un comentari aquí o posar-vos en contacte amb alguna de nosaltres, o a través del mail... com vulgueu!
Espero que us animeeeeeeeu!!! :D
Gràcies a toteeeees!! ♥
B/Yul 비율 (pronounced "biyul", the meaning for us is "Barcelona's rhythm") is a dance group from Barcelona. We're some friends (not professionals!!) who meet to dance and have fun, we really love k-pop! And K-pop bands are our hobby :DWe hope you all enjoy our dance covers and support us! ^^
THANK YOU. 감사합니다.
jueves, 4 de noviembre de 2010
martes, 2 de noviembre de 2010
After the exhibition, 4 members of B/Yul ♥
Sorry, I was so ugly on the picture XDDDD
There's no pic only of SangHye who danced as SungMin and also YeSung, neither pictures of Byako who danced as KyuHyun or Edda who danced as LeeTeuk.
There's no pic only of SangHye who danced as SungMin and also YeSung, neither pictures of Byako who danced as KyuHyun or Edda who danced as LeeTeuk.
About to start Bonamana!
One of our fave pictures! With Sexy Mafia, a dance group of jpop! We really admire them and they were so nice to us! =^^=
That's all! we'll upload the videos soon!! =^^=
thank you! ♥
Bad News Good News
It's YunEun on keyboard ~ it's time for me to write to do an important announce,
we have bad news and good news, and I'm going to start with the bad ones...
From now on, B/Yul is a five member dance group again,
we're saying good bye to Byako and Edda.
We're not going to talk about it here, but we've already said everything to each other in private.
Though it's a hard desicion, thank you girls for being part of B/Yul,
we hope you both have a nice life and keep dancing.
That's why we're going to start looking for a new member soon, since Vero is still in Korea, we need a girl from Barcelona to dance with ~ So we'll be 5 active member until Vero comes back :)
It's weird to talk about good news after this,
but, on monday November 1st, we did the most important performance by the moment for B/Yul!! The event we've been waiting almost for a year has already finished! Saló del Manga was awesome! I've enjoyed so much this weekend with all my girls from B/Yul - SSTY - SUPuu!
We (6 members) danced on saturday and monday ! I bet you guess what we danced ~~ Bonamana by Super Junior!! (and I, YunEun, performed Stumble Stumble by D-NA on monday, since they needed someone to do Mika.)
it's better not to talk about saturday's performance because it was a... fail (?) XD but on monday was completly awesome! It was on Hallyu: Korean Fever, the exhibition with SUPuu and SSTY, we all did a great job, and a lot of people came to see us! Everybody cheered us so hard, and we felt people so close to us! I'm going to write this in Spanish, to all the people who came:
Simplemente, ¡Muchas gracias! A toda la gente que vino a vernos y apoyarnos a los 3 grupos, a todas aquellas que gritasteis un montón y nos animasteis des del público! Des del escenario se notaba mucho vuestro apoyo e implicación ~ estamos muy agradecidas ^^ yo, personalmente, fui muy feliz XDDD gracias! ♥ os queremos!! =^^=
After all this, B/Yul is starting a new stage !
Keep supporting us, we'll do our best!!
We'll post the videos and photos when people send them to us!
look forward to watch the videos, we're so happy with the results!
Also, soon we'll post information to find the new member,
please, girls from Barcelona, keep an eye on the blog! :)
we have bad news and good news, and I'm going to start with the bad ones...
From now on, B/Yul is a five member dance group again,
we're saying good bye to Byako and Edda.
We're not going to talk about it here, but we've already said everything to each other in private.
Though it's a hard desicion, thank you girls for being part of B/Yul,
we hope you both have a nice life and keep dancing.
That's why we're going to start looking for a new member soon, since Vero is still in Korea, we need a girl from Barcelona to dance with ~ So we'll be 5 active member until Vero comes back :)
It's weird to talk about good news after this,
but, on monday November 1st, we did the most important performance by the moment for B/Yul!! The event we've been waiting almost for a year has already finished! Saló del Manga was awesome! I've enjoyed so much this weekend with all my girls from B/Yul - SSTY - SUPuu!
We (6 members) danced on saturday and monday ! I bet you guess what we danced ~~ Bonamana by Super Junior!! (and I, YunEun, performed Stumble Stumble by D-NA on monday, since they needed someone to do Mika.)
it's better not to talk about saturday's performance because it was a... fail (?) XD but on monday was completly awesome! It was on Hallyu: Korean Fever, the exhibition with SUPuu and SSTY, we all did a great job, and a lot of people came to see us! Everybody cheered us so hard, and we felt people so close to us! I'm going to write this in Spanish, to all the people who came:
Simplemente, ¡Muchas gracias! A toda la gente que vino a vernos y apoyarnos a los 3 grupos, a todas aquellas que gritasteis un montón y nos animasteis des del público! Des del escenario se notaba mucho vuestro apoyo e implicación ~ estamos muy agradecidas ^^ yo, personalmente, fui muy feliz XDDD gracias! ♥ os queremos!! =^^=
After all this, B/Yul is starting a new stage !
Keep supporting us, we'll do our best!!
We'll post the videos and photos when people send them to us!
look forward to watch the videos, we're so happy with the results!
Also, soon we'll post information to find the new member,
please, girls from Barcelona, keep an eye on the blog! :)
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