B/Yul 비율 (pronounced "biyul", the meaning for us is "Barcelona's rhythm") is a dance group from Barcelona. We're some friends (not professionals!!) who meet to dance and have fun, we really love k-pop! And K-pop bands are our hobby :D
We hope you all enjoy our dance covers and support us! ^^
THANK YOU. 감사합니다.

viernes, 1 de octubre de 2010

Charged 100 percent, we’re ready to go

Yo' guys~! EunHee on keyboard!!
This entry doesn't have sense at all, but right now I'm feeling so B/Yul (like a member) and I wanna post here the things that I can't shout out (because I don't want to scare my neighbours and citizens, you know).

Tomorrow we have a contest and WE'RE GOING TO WIN!!! (OK, not like that), but I'm confident about it. Maybe we're not going to win but we're going to leave everyone stunned!! B/YUL'S READY FOR THE WORLD!! (wroof~). We're gonna show you our best Bad Girl Good Girl dance!! FIGHTING!!

Okay, that's all about tomorrow. But I really want to say something:
B/Yul became something very precious to me, and now, thinking about it, without B/Yul, my life is somewhat empty. Not only for the sake that dancing gives us, but I found people that are like real sisters to me right now. Maybe we're so different but we have fun with each other, fulfilling our objectives, dancing with all our might and dreaming about one thing, B/YUL (I think so at least).

I want B/Yul to be something HUGE. I want to see B/Yul shining, not only to me, but to everyone.


4 comentarios:

  1. ayayayayayayayyyyyyyy!!! qué HiperMegaSúperChachiCute que eres!!!

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  3. Jaja woow mi unnie que segura esta!!
    Seguro que lo aremos genial >3<
    *se emociona al leerlo*
    TK UNNIE!! :P


  4. <33333 *______*
    B/Yul més q mai, a por todas!
    i no només demà, ja hem parlat tot el q haviem de parlar per msn sobre aquest tema(o no xD), però a partir d'ara a marcar diferència! que nosaltres podem :D
    quan ens vam juntar no vam dir "de la terrassa de l'Eunnie fins a Corea!" mig motivades? doncs que no canvii!! Des d'on sigui, però el camí el tenim ben clar!
    Us estimo a totes, sistars meves <3
